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Life Vision Properties Welcomes new Tree Ocelot to Campo Del Mar Nature Park

November 2, 2010

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Meet Isis, our newest arrival to the Campo Del Mar animal rescue centre.  The IFC arrived early Saturday October 30th with Isis, who is a Margay.  Margay’s are related to the Ocelot family and is also sometimes called the Tree Ocelot because of its superior climbing ability and its preference to living in the rainforest canopy.  While she was in captivity for awhile she isn’t disturbed by people and will come to the edge of her temporary home to greet visitors.  This exotic feline was aptly named ISIS (Egyptian goddess of fertility) because of her Egyptian looking eye features.

Jim Sand, President of Fast Track was on hand to welcome her and can attest that “She of the Throne” is truly majestic.  Isis spent her first night very well, cleaning and grooming herself and woke up a bit hungry. You will see from the picture, she was hoping the camera was breakfast.  Preparation of a permanent home for Isis at Campo Del Mar Nature Park Animal Habitat has begun, as well our on-staff biologist and veterinary staff are observing and caring for her.  We look forward to all visitors coming to look at their property in Trujillo, coming by and saying hi to Isis.  While there don’t forget to go and see Poncho and his pals at the Capuchin and Spider monkey habitat as well as our flock of singing parrots.  If you come at the right time of the evening you might be able to see and hear the birds having a spirited conversation with another flock of parrots from the nearby rainforest who come by for a visit on a regular basis.

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